Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today didn’t necessarily start out the best. Both Bryce and I had flats this morning, so we were very late to get started. By the time we were done fixing our flats, the whole team was gone. Long gone. Nowhere to be seen. But Bryce and I had a really fun ride.
One of the things I like about this trip so much is the amazing people who are a part of the team. It’s been so much fun to ride with different people and learn more about who they are, where they came from, and what they have done. There have been so many interesting, stimulating conversations. And lots of laughs. The best part is the laughter.
Bryce and I caught up with Jen, Jody, and Maggie at the lunch stop, so we rode together for the remainder of the trip into Las Cruces. We hit a pretty big downhill on our way in to town. I got to my maximum speed on the trip this far – 43.89mph. I was pretty excited. Maggie had a major incident on the hill, though. At the lunch stop, she had purchased a brand new belt with an enormous belt buckle – and she was quite excited about and proud of her purchase. The shear speed of the hill was simply too much for her new belt, and it proceeded to fall off at the top of the hill. Luckily, Maggie was able to quickly stop her bike, drop it off on the side of the road, and run to save her belt from oncoming traffic. Crisis averted.
We crossed the Rio Grande just prior to entering Las Cruces.
It was not as impressive as I had imagined, but it was still pretty large for being in New Mexico. This was also the first “river” we crossed during our trip that actually contained water, so it was a pretty big event for all of us. Upon arriving at our destination, we had some delicious freezer pops. Yum. There’s nothing quite like frozen sugar water after finishing a nice ride… 
We had a great journal club at the Temple and then had a yoga class with one of the members of the temple. I have come to the conclusion that yoga is just not for me – or at least that type of yoga. I felt much more stiff and inflexible than I had prior to the class. But it was nice, nonetheless. Afterwards, the members of the temple provided us with a delicious dinner, complete with cake and ice cream for dessert. We were pretty darn happy.
We split up in to groups and stayed with six different hosts during the night. Katie, Adam, Jess, and I stayed with Harvey, a Vietnam veteran Jewish Buddist monk priest who lived across the street. He had some pretty interesting stories to share with us.
We finished the night with wine and a Jacuzzi.
End of the thirteenth day. And it was sweet.
Today didn’t necessarily start out the best. Both Bryce and I had flats this morning, so we were very late to get started. By the time we were done fixing our flats, the whole team was gone. Long gone. Nowhere to be seen. But Bryce and I had a really fun ride.
One of the things I like about this trip so much is the amazing people who are a part of the team. It’s been so much fun to ride with different people and learn more about who they are, where they came from, and what they have done. There have been so many interesting, stimulating conversations. And lots of laughs. The best part is the laughter.
Bryce and I caught up with Jen, Jody, and Maggie at the lunch stop, so we rode together for the remainder of the trip into Las Cruces. We hit a pretty big downhill on our way in to town. I got to my maximum speed on the trip this far – 43.89mph. I was pretty excited. Maggie had a major incident on the hill, though. At the lunch stop, she had purchased a brand new belt with an enormous belt buckle – and she was quite excited about and proud of her purchase. The shear speed of the hill was simply too much for her new belt, and it proceeded to fall off at the top of the hill. Luckily, Maggie was able to quickly stop her bike, drop it off on the side of the road, and run to save her belt from oncoming traffic. Crisis averted.
We crossed the Rio Grande just prior to entering Las Cruces.

We had a great journal club at the Temple and then had a yoga class with one of the members of the temple. I have come to the conclusion that yoga is just not for me – or at least that type of yoga. I felt much more stiff and inflexible than I had prior to the class. But it was nice, nonetheless. Afterwards, the members of the temple provided us with a delicious dinner, complete with cake and ice cream for dessert. We were pretty darn happy.
We split up in to groups and stayed with six different hosts during the night. Katie, Adam, Jess, and I stayed with Harvey, a Vietnam veteran Jewish Buddist monk priest who lived across the street. He had some pretty interesting stories to share with us.
End of the thirteenth day. And it was sweet.
Ride On! You guys were wonderful! I am keeping you in my heart. Stay safe. Do well!