I was assigned to write the R4WH blog today (www.rideforworldhealth.org/blog). I wanted to include it here, as well:
Today the team was plagued by flat tires. It’s like the flat tire “fairy” was following us around and stabbing our tires with her wand. Just for kicks. Because flat tires make her giggle and feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Although flat tires make the “Flat Tire Fairy” very happy, they make the rest of us upset. Very upset. The first flat of the day is acceptable; in fact, it is usually expected. With riding on Primitive Road, Frontage Road, and the shoulder of I-10, it would not be a normal day if we didn’t stop to fix a flat before the first water break. However, today was an exceptionally flat day. I will even propose that we had many, many more flats today than any other day thus far on the trip. Here is a run-down of all of the flats today (although I cannot promise that it is complete; there are probably more flats hiding out there): Chris, Andy, Travis, and Roshan each had one flat; Jody, Bryce, and Sarah each had two flats; I, however, was the luckiest of the bunch – I had four flat tires today. Not a good day for tubes.
In honor of all of the flats today, I have decided to compose a list of everything that can be done with a “dead tube.” It is probably not complete at this point, but here is a start:
1. Belt – If your pants are falling down and you happened to leave your belt at home, don’t fret. Simply tie an old tube around your waste and your pants will stay up.
2. Hat strap – Everyone has been buying cowboy hats along the way. When they don’t come with a strap, we can make a very fashionable one out of a tube. It is imperative to have a hat strap for one’s spiffy new hat when facing the winds of the Southwest.
3. Backpack – If you need to carry something but it does not come with convenient straps, you can easily fashion straps out of old tubes. Perfect solution.
4. Jewelry – Want to look nice for a night out on the town? Why not try out a necklace, bracelet, or perhaps a headband fashioned out of an old tube? Not only will you be the talk of the town, but you will also be recycling at the same time. Go Green!
5. Balloon animal – Treat the kiddies to a new toy. Although tubes only come in one color (black), they could easily be spiced up with some chalk or paint. Or better yet, I’m sure something could be found along the side of I-10…
6. Rope/bungee cord – If you are out on your bike and you happen to fall in a large hole or down a cliff, don’t panic! Simply tie your old tubes together and climb on out.
7. Wallet – Having trouble holding on to your cash and credit cards? Keep them all together with a small section of old tube. All of your stuff will stay together and it will never fall out of your pocket. If you are feeling extra motivated, you could probably even fashion a small change purse for all of your coins.
In conclusion, old tubes are pretty much as valuable, and as useful, as duct tape. Always keep them close. And if you were riding with us today, you probably would have accumulated more than you know what to do with.
There is an old Zen saying, ""There is no trash!" And you just made the point so very well!